Deron Williams was a warrior tonight. The guy gets NO calls when he goes to the rim. Basically breaks his wrist, and still dishes out 12 assists to go along with his 18 points. He is 1st team All-NBA 4th quarter team. We'll gladly take Fishers 6.5 MM and pass it on to Deron. He deserves every penny. He is THE toughest point guard in the NBA.

It was interesting to watch the Mamba try and bring the Lake Show back himself. Looked like the old Kobe to me. It will be interesting to see if the Lakers begin to unravel if they lose game 4 (Yes, that's a prediction). This series will be 2-2 going back to Staples. Too bad Lakers fans will keep posting "SWEEP!!!!" and "Get out 'da brooms!!!" on every blog out there. Thanks California education system.
This Lakers team is going to be tested for the first time this season. I can't wait to see how they respond after the momentum of the series shifts into Utah's favor. I'm drunk with Jazz right now.
Final Score: Jazz 104, Lakers 65, Kobe 34
Jazz links:
SLC Dunk
Biased Fan - The Utah Jazz
Frank Layden Admirers
Lakers links:
Forum Blue and Gold
Lakers Blog - LA Times
Box Score
A great picture from our very own Horny who was at the game.

The guy in the brown shirt pulls the steal of the century when he uses the two finger pinch and ganks Deron's towel right off his back. Deron never had a clue.
Thanks to Basketball John for the picture.

I'm glad I found your blog. It's the best one out there.
fan since 8 5 said...
"Is anyone else out there tracking this? How was Kobe's bank off the glass to himself-which then lead to a lay up-not a travel?"
May 9, 2008 11:06 PM
So much for Utah fans understanding the game of basketball. lol
cptpant - we understand this one thing, the series is going back to LA tied at 2 with all of the momentum in our favor.
I have never been more mad after a Jazz win than I am right now. What the hell does D-Will have to do to get a call when drives to the basket? He is getting hosed in this series and I hope he snaps on Sunday and brings it with boths guns blazing so to speak. Lamar Odom and Derek Fisher both got more free-throw attempts than D-Will and they were both pretty soft yesterday.
What happened to the so called "Machine" being such a pest that one of our guys would end up comiting a flagrant on him? Kyle freking Korver can post him up at will. All I see is a guy who does his hair to purposely look like he has a hair net on.
Kobe is a freak, he takes and makes more "no effing way" shots than anyone in the history of the NBA. Incredible talent.
Welcome back Booze. You were one more bad game away from me changing my name to just Hammy. I am glad that you finally realized that none of the Lakers bigs can hang with you. Good defensive effort also hounding Gasol and Odom into 8 turnovers combined.
honestly dude, great writing and all and im an aspriring writer, but it doesn't make sense when you bash on every laker fan out there. You depict us as some dumb-ass fans who don't know shit. Sure there are fans who just get too cocky and all, but that comes for every team. Its just like saying jazz fans are classless and have no respect or understanding for players like DFISH. I'll stereotype just like you... Utah Jazz fans are classless mormons, that believe they can win every single game at home because of their fans. WHITE POWER, WHITE POWER... chant the jazz fans
haha, im bored.
good writer though. Keep up the work
Nice win Jazz. Very tough, gutty performances by Booz, AK47, DWill. And Okurs threes were daggers.
I still think Harpring is a walking foul, it's almost comical when he runs through the lane flailing his arms.
Lastly, everyone knows the REAL reason for the extra Jazz motivation was not the crowd, but David Archuleta. That boy can SING.
to Allen:
L.A. has Kobe, Gasol, the Machine, etc. The Spurs have Ginobli, Duncan, Bowen, etc. Every team has their floppers. Although Harpring can frustrate Jazz fans to death, we need a player like him to try and compensate for the rest of the floppers in the league.
embizzles, where have you been? What C.B. Jack just wrote does not even hold a candle to the onslaught of crap L.A. fans have talked on Jazz fans. He goes off for less than one paragraph. Give me a break. Ever since this series started it's been nothing but stereo-typing entire fan bases. Good fans know who they are and we learn to live with the fact that we are going to take heat due to the classless fans that are representing our team. C.B. is far from one of those fans.
"Kobe is a freak, he takes and makes more "no effing way" shots than anyone in the history of the NBA. Incredible talent."
I am glad you can admire his talent because his degree of difficulty on his shots are usually out of this world and he still nails them, and some people take that for granted it is really special to see what he does best.
It's a series now. I think this next game will tell us a lot about the Lakers (I think we know who the Jazz are - but the Lakers are still a bit of an unknown quantity).
If I were a Jazz fan I would be worried about two stats from last night. Lakers 18 TOs and 5 for 23 on the threes. I don't expect either of those to be repeated next game.
If I were a Lakers fan (wait, I am one) I would be worried that our backup PG apparently thinks these are summer league games and that our lanky Spaniard apparently is not a fan of Greco-Roman wrestling.
What is cool about this year's playoffs is that any series between the top 4 W Conf. teams is going to be entertaining and some great basketball is being played.
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