The results are in...guess who's #1?

The results of LA Ball Talks team blog contest are in. And once again, Jazz fans have made it clear that True Blue Jazz is their favorite Jazz blog on the Internet. Thanks to all who voted. Stay tuned because we have big big BIG news on the way....Prepare for Jazz heaven.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Where you at Texas?

Just a gentle reminder to our "big brother" state down south.

Utah currently owns Texas. Period.

First the Rockets. Now the Horned Frogs.

Who's the little brother now?

(and I am not talking about BYU)


Adam said...

Ugh. I hate sharing Jazz fan-hood with homo Utes.

You guys should just stick to talking about basketball so I don't hate you as much.

Oh, and if BYU has the ball with a minute left and a chance to win the game like TCU did last night, you can bet your life things won't end pleasantly for Utah.

M. D. said...

adam. We'll avoid the utes cougs debate here although the new site will have a forum dedicated to college football. This was a victory for utah over texas.

Anonymous said...

Any time we can stick to Texas and BYU it is a perfect night in my book.

Calm down my good brother from the south, if the Utes dont win that game your hopes and dreams, or should I say your "QUEST", for a third straight appearance in the Las Vegas bowl would have been gone. At the very least you have to thank them for that.

Adam said...

My apologies if you were talking about Texas. I thought the "Big Brother" comment was a shot at BYU.

You know... because we are.

Anonymous said...

do NOT compare the Rockets to the dirty Horned Frogs of TCU. I actually am happy you guys beat TCU.